⛅ Spring is here ➡ Save 10% on purchase of 4 selected products of $500+tx and up, see details*

⛅ Spring is here ➡ Save 10% on purchase of 4 selected products of $500+tx and up, see details*

Posted on July 03, 2023

Since July 1, 2023, the province of Quebec has increased the ecofee on new tires announced in the Minister of Finance of Québec's budget of March 21, 2023. This decision aims to promote environmental sustainability and encourage responsible tire disposal, recycling practices and help ensure the continuity of the Programme québécois de gestion intégrée des pneus hors d'usage (integrated scrap tire management program) administered by the Société québécoise de récupération et de recyclage (RECYC-QUÉBEC).

To better reflect the cost of processing scrap tires, depending on their diameter, the specific fee of $3.00 will be increased to make it more representative of the cost of processing car and truck tires. Thus, as of July 1, 2023, the specific fee on new tires will be $4.50 for car tires and $6.00 for truck tires. Please note that the method of collecting, declaring and remitting this specific duty will remain the same.

The eco-fee increase applies to all tire categories, including passenger car tires, truck tires and specialty tires. The specific amount of the increase will vary according to the size and type of tire purchased. Previously, the ecofee was the same for all tire types, regardless of size. From now on, the ecofee will be calculated according to the overall diameter of the tire.


Amount of specific duty by overall tire diameter

Overall tire diameter of 83,82 cm (33 in) or less                                                           => $4.50/tire
Overall tire diameter over 83,82 cm (33 in) but less than 123,19 cm (48,5 in)       => $6.00/tire